Thursday, April 25, 2024
• Inspiration
"I need inspiration to write."
Inspiration has nothing to do with it. Writing is work and if you want to write, then you have to consistently and diligently write. If your solution is to wait for inspiration you might as well play the lottery. There's a better chance of winning.
"You can't wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club." ~ Jack London.
You also need some know-how which is what you'll get from this website and my books. writing myths
• The Muse
The muse is a myth. She doesn't exist. The only real muse is our own consistent hard work and a desire to succeed.
And of course "practice" however, as Vince Lombardi so aptly put it, "Practice does not make perfect. Only perfect practice makes perfect."
Which illustrates the fact that you must learn the correct Technology of Storytelling before you practice it. Otherwise you can only get better at doing it wrong. writing myths
• The "born writer"
Writers are not born -- they are made by study and practice. The only problem is knowing; how to study, what to study and what and how to practice.
Which points us back to having and using the correct Story Technology or what I simply call "Story Tech".
• "It just flowed from my pen, keyboard, etc."
Because it came easy doesn't make the story or the telling of it any good.
The excitement the author feels in writing the book is not the same excitement that the reader will feel in reading it. These two are not the same thing.
The excitement the reader experiences is largely due to the proper structuring of the story.
The writing only needs to be simple and clear enough to convey the story without getting in the way.
Master Storyteller
I've written over a thousand poems, dozens of short stories, and 8 novellas. I believe that Storytelling is a Technology which can and must be learned.